Monday, January 08, 2007


Time flies so fast when you are having fun! Two months of maternity leave has gone past. I am back at work today. For the past two month, I have not touch the computer, now is the time for some updates.
Baby Qi Yu was born on 7 November, I tried for natural birth but still end up with a C-section but most importantly baby is well. She was 3.65kg at birth and now is probably 5kg oledi! The wonder of mummy's milk! When people see her so chubby and ask what brand of milk she drinks, I will proudly declare mummy's brand, only produce by mummy for her baby only!
November was a challenging month for me. My due date was on 4Nov, which is a Saturday. Since on that day, there was no sign of baby wanting to come out yet, hubby suggest we go shopping at Mid-Valley. Qi Ning was very happy but the happy venture end up to be a bad experience for her. We ate at the food court during lunch and she probably got food poisioning after eating there. The vommiting was so bad that she was dehydrated by the evening and doctor recommended that we admit her. So instead of mummy going to hospital for delivery, it was Qi Ning who was hospitalised, I stayed with her for the night. After one night at the hospital, Qi Ning seem to be ok so mummy request for discharge on 5 Nov as mummy was very tired. However, mummy later discovered that it was a bad judgement on mummy's part to ask for discharge so soon, as no sooner than when we reached home, Qi Ning "ciri-birit" begins!
On 5 Nov midnight, I had contraction and a slight show. In the morning, I told hubby that I may be in labour but the contraction is not very regular yet. Went for check-up and the gynae told me to admit if the contraction is more regular as the VE shows only 1 cm dilation. I was admitted on the 6 Nov afternoon. It was quite a long labour to no avail and I had a emergency c-section at about 4am on 7 Nov. Baby Qi Yu made her apperance at 4.16am.


Jess said...

Hi, Welcome back!
...faster show bb picture ya!

jazzmint said...

welcome back!!!

aiyoo...poor qi ning, i hope she recovered on time when mei mei arrived

Allyfeel said...

Congrats on the arrival of Qi yu. Hope everything is okay for u by now. Take care.

ZMM said...

Hey, congratulations!

Welcome back..

Two girls for you and Two girls for me too!