Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

God's Protection

This incident happened quite sometime back about two three months ago. I didn't get a chance to write it down and today it came to mind to blog about it as I am thankful to God for His protection over Qi Ning.
It happened on the wee hour one morning when I was up nursing Qi Yu. I can hear the sound of Qi Ning rolling in the bed. I turn to her direction and saw the bolster falling down the bed and next I saw Qi Ning rolling down from the bed! My heart sank seeing what take place and I was hoping the odd against odd that she would land on the bolster but the chance is really slim.
God must have heard my silence cry and yes she landed on the bolster "beautifully" as if she was just rolling down to hold on to the bolster. She was not even awaken by the fall, hubby heard my cry, woke up to see Qi Ning on the bolster down on the floor and he just carried bolster and her to the bed. And my girl just continue on sleeping! :)
At that moment my heart filled with thanksgiving, if not because of God's protecting hands, I can foresee a big "bangolow" in Qi Ning's forehead. The next day I told her of the incident she just smile, I wonder if she was aware of the fall or not!
So nowadays when I am up nursing Qi Yu middle of the night, I am always on the alert, listening to Qi Ning's movement just in case she roll down the bed again. I am trying to get her to move to her own bed as she is still squeeze in the middle of hubby and me. She is not willing to leave our bed and mummy isn't insisting as well. I dunno whether I should insisit that she move to her own bed now or wait till she ready then move her. If I insisit, I foresee some battle and teary nights.
Actually after the incident, I have been sweet talking to her and tell her to sleep in her own bed. This how the conversation goes during the night time before chinese new year:

Mummy: Qi Ning, you jie jie oledi, must sleep in your own bed, Qi Yu also sleep in her own baby cot.
Qi Ning: Wait, Chinese new year ok
Mummy: After CNY you must sleep on your own bed ok?
Qi Ning: ok mummy

During CNY, when were at my mum's and in-law, she did keep to her word, sleep on her own on and not squeeze between us. Even when I offer her to hop on the bed to sleep with us for a while early in the morning she would refuse telling me that CNY oledi she must sleep on her own. So i thought she would keep to her words and do the same when we returned home.
Alas, the first night at home after CNY is back to the usual, she wanna sleep on mummy's bed! And now when I ask her to sleep in her own bed, she tells me wait till her three year old birthday. See, how clever my girl is at bargaining!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Attension seeking

Nowadays, babies seems to be getting smarter. They seem to reached their developmental milestone quicker. Qi Yu is beginning to know how to demand for me. Each morning, when I say bye bye to her and pass her to the maid, she will protest by letting out a cry. In the evening when I reached home after work usually Qi Ning will be screaming for mummy and want me to do this and that for her. So I usually tend to Qi Ning first but now Qi Yu also is demanding that I attend to her. She will cry if I don't (slap forehead), so young also know how to demand for attention oledi. And she will scream loudly as well when I don't attend to her fast enough! Sometime I feel guilty when I have to leave her with the maid especially on the weekend when she wakes up early and mummy wannna sleep in.
Qi Ning is continuosly wanting mummy's attention. Sometime in her sleep I can hear her saying I want mummy. Lately, quite often she willl wakes up middle of the night to ensure that I am sleeping next to her. If she don't find me she would cry. And if I am in the midst of nursing Qi Yu when she wakes up middle of night, she will fuss a little. I think she is still adjusting to having to share mummy with her meimei even though she loves her meimei heaps. Mummy need to learn to give them both the attention that they need in a fair manner. Thank God that Daddy is very involved in parenting and attending to thier need as well.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Four Months Old

My Qi Yu is four months old today. She has grwon quite a fair bit. From 3.65 kg at birth to 6.8kg as of last Tuesday. Length wise, she is 67cm long now. I am happy to see her grow so well. Even those for the time that I am at work, she don't drink much milk but she make up by nursing frequently at night when I am home. During the 12 hours that I am away, her total milk intake is between 160ml to 240ml on a good day.
Qi Yu is quite a playful girl in that when I am nusring her, she won't nurse properly. She would nurse for a while and pull out and look at me cheeckily sometime with a smile. And the milk will be squiting all over her face. Sometime she will pull off from my breast and hide for a while and then come back to nurse again. She likes to play with my T-shirt while nursing.
Friends have commented that Qi Yu is sociable and cheerful. She would coo and wannna look for people to play with her. She especially like to play with children. Most of the time she is friendly but at time she will fuss when there is unfamiliar faces especially when she is tired. She just enjoys having conversation with people.
Qi Yu loves to suck her finger/hands. Anything she get hold of, she would put into her mouth. She is starting to grab things with her hand. But she doesn't like pacifier!
Is a joy to see the little one growing day by day. Thinking of her brings smile to my face. I just loves my two girls.