Friday, October 20, 2006

Two years and one month old

Life is amazing, especially when you see the little one grown from a tiny little baby to a pre-scholler. As I looked back how 25 months ago QI Ning was just a little new born babe, today she is a chatty little girl! Each day, when I hold her hand, I am just so thankful to the Lord for her.
Now, let see what she has achieved thus far. She is fully tiolet trained during the day time, no more diaper only at night. When she wanna pee or poo, she want to take off her pant by herself and is refusing help. Wanting to be independent! She weighs about 12.5kg and height is about 87cm.
Language wise, she is able to communicate in English, Mandarin and Bahasa. A little bit in Foochow (daddy & mummy's dialect), mummy hope she will pick up more Foochow so need to make an effort to speak to her in Foochow. She can hold simple conversation with people and respond appropriately. She loves to sing and can sing many songs. She also loves to read books and can tells us story from the book that she reads. She remembers the character from the story and will choose which character she want to associate herself with and which she doesn't want.
Her favourite question now is "What is this Mummy?" Whenever she see anything that is not familiar she would asked the question and it would be non-stop when we are outside the house as there are so many thing that caught her attension. I guess soon it will be the WHY question oledi!
See my girl has grown and she knows she is going to be jie jie soon!


IMMomsDaughter said...

Oh boy, when the WHY questions starts, they'll come like machine guns. Btw, you guys are Foochow, from East Malaysia ah?

LHS said...

Wow, she is smart. I'm teaching my son Hakka now, hope he can communicate with my family and PIL.
Are you from Sibu?

jazzmint said...

wow, so fast toilet trained