Well, Qi Yu is 11month 1 week plus old now. Mummy wanted to post a belated milestone and a recent photo of her and mummy when we were at Phuket for holidays. The photo was taken on oct 3, four day before her 11 month. We were having buffet dinner at the Fantasea show compounds in Phuket. More story of that later.
At 11mths, these are some new happening with my darling Qi Yu
- two more teeth on the upper jaw
-can pull herself up and stand without support
-will follow simple instruction such as clap hand, give the book to Mummy etc
Emotion wise, she is not so stanger shy nowadays. At least she don't cry when she see stranger now. But is still reluctant to let people hold her. Only those who are close to her is allowed to touch her but at least she don't cry now, she just hide her face from people that she don't want to "see". She knows who is who by name. When we call out a name, she would sometime point to the person or at time just turn her eye towars the person. She is beginning to be a copy cat, copying what her jiejie is doing. She seem to be able to judge if people are angry with her by people's tonation. Whenever I rise my voice when she bite me during nursing, she would cry. Sometime I was not even scolding her, was just telling her in a firm tone. She would starts tearing pitifully!
She seem to be very aware of her surrounding. She knows when we were on holidays and try to wiggle out of her routine nap during our recent trip to Phuket.
Food wise, she is still fully on breast milk. Her milk in take during day time has increased to 7 ounce a day. And is still nursing throughtout the night. She loves solid and like to eat whatever we are eating. When she sees us eat, her mouth will start moving and will pull my hand that is holding food towards her. She will be saying "mum mum". Weight wise she is still around 8.5kg and height wise she looks taller but I have not measure her.
Her bowel movement is regular nowaday. During the day time, I am starting to toilet train her for 2-3 hours a day but putting her to the potty on a regular interval and she seem to be doing ok. So sometime, if I am taking her to do grocery shopping or to the church or 1-2 hours trip, I will not put her on daiper and she is doing fine thus far. Of course got accident lah one or two time but I am quite happy with the success rate thus far.
She is quite a happy baby and I love her smile but she can also scream so loud. That's my baby Qi Yu, whom love dearly!